Home, sweet home!!!

Thus goes the eternally beloved rhetoric. And why not?

Even after the passing of innumerable eras and ages of human civilization, our own home has still been retaining its sweetness forever. As a social animal, man's very exclusively own sweet nest is as usually the exquisitely sweetest spot, – too close to the warmth of her own heart!


And as we grow ripe old, our venturing out from the cosy corners of home logically begins to follow the diminishing path. We gradually and rationally focus to come to terms with the inevitably realistic eventuality. We make ourselves learn the awareness of our rapidly reducing physical capabilities. Feebler muscles and increasingly porous bones commence dictating terms to predominantly create our own world within the four walls of our Home; – proverbially the Sweet Home!!


Now comes the phase of harsh reality, – our chronic ailments and consequent sufferings! Even movements within home, along with performing or accomplishing daily routine-bound petty yet unavoidable chores!


Society around us, meanwhile, has been breathtakingly going through a paradigm shift.

So much so that the age old, well known faces or features of a "family" or for that matter "household" is swiftly changing almost beyond recognition! The so called nuclear family has long began its process of further fragmentation under the pressure of socio-economic compulsions. Innumerable valid  reasons or contextual rigidities force totally helpless very old couples or even worse, single widow or widowers as well as unmarried persons to spend their sunset years horribly all alone!